
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What Is Arborist Consulting?

Arborist Consulting is a professional service offered by qualified arborists. Arborists are highly trained tree experts with formal education in the fields of arboriculture, urban forestry, biology, ecology, horticulture or environmental science. In addition, many are members of a professional organization such as the American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA), which means they must adhere to a set of rigorous standards. This level of experience, education and expertise makes an Arborist Consultant a valuable asset for clients with complex tree situations.

The services that Consulting Arborists provide include evaluating and assessing the health of trees, providing expert witness testimony, developing protective strategies for construction sites, diagnosing disorders, and much more. They are often called upon by homeowners, contractors, engineers, developers, insurance professionals and attorneys.

A Consulting Arborist with design qualifications can also help clients find creative solutions for incorporating existing mature trees into their projects and can suggest practical, functional and aesthetically pleasing designs that allow for the desired result around the trees in a way that will not negatively impact the trees or surrounding landscape. The best consulting arborists will have the training and experience to identify a project’s unique challenges and find solutions that are cost effective and workable for everyone involved.

Working with consultants, designers and municipal planners during the early stages of a development project is key to success in preserving the health of existing trees. It takes collaboration among the parties to ensure that the needs of the project, the client, the designers and the municipality are all met while ensuring the integrity of the mature trees are maintained throughout the entire process.

One of the most challenging jobs for a consulting arborist is dealing with situations that involve complex issues such as multiple stakeholders and conflicting priorities. For example, a residential property owner may need to deal with Council requirements for tree removals, neighbouring properties and their residents, developers and legal matters. This type of situation can be difficult to navigate for even the most experienced and ethical consulting arborist.

For example, a resident of a heritage neighbourhood may need to get permission from their neighbours to prune their trees in a way that will not negatively affect them. The neighbours may be concerned about the loss of light from the affected trees or about the risk of damage to their properties or driveways. This can result in a lengthy and complicated process that can take months to resolve. A good consulting arborist will be able to facilitate this process and ensure that all parties are aware of the potential risks involved so that they can reach an agreement that suits everyone. This will hopefully prevent the need for court proceedings.


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